International Sei-Ki Gathering 2023
Saturday 30/09 - Tuesday 03/10 in SETE - France
The yearly Sei-Ki celebration with old and new students sof Kyoko and Kishi.
A moment to meet each other again, to exchange, to practice and to enjoy Sei-Ki, in remembrance of Sei-Ki's founder, Akinobu Kishi.

Joyful Serenity
We found a nice location and spot for International Sei-Ki Gathering 2023 :
Domaine du Lazaret in Sète,
with direct access to the Mediterranean Sea and beach
have a look at this marvellous place :
the site is in French only - sorry !
The International Gathering will be split in 2 parts
Gathering as we know it with a programm
Saturday September : 30 - 3 pm
Monday October : 2 till 3pm
More practice and exchange with all without a programm
Monday October 2 : 3 pm - 7 pm
Tuesday October 3 : optionally also - a group visit of Sète, with oyster production and tasting , also including fine regional wine tasting.
Programm ...
The theme is
Joyful serenity
Work in progress ...
Stay tuned as the process takes form.
Price all in (excl. Transport ) *
Prices per person for 3 nights:
Standard Comfort rooms
room for 2 persons : 300 euro/pp
room for 3 persons or 4 persons : 270 euro/pp
room for 1 person : 375 euro/pp
Premium rooms (high-end)
price/pp Premium room for 2 persons : 360/pp
price /pp Premium room for 1 person : 435 euro/pp
* Prices based on an attendance of 40 persons.
Prices includes:
Lodging , food and beverages (also wine), renting of the space for Sei-Ki practice, pauses tea-coffee, taxes, organisational costs.
There is a direct access to the Mediterranean Sea and beach.
We also ordered the sun :-)
Reserving your place
Deposit of 140 euros, before 1st of March 2023, to reserve your place.
Payment of the full amount before June 30 2023.
How ?
by clicking on the (fully secure) Hello-asso online ticketing page:
We are sorry, Helloasso-platform is in French only.
Gwenn made a great tutorial to help you through the online booking process.
To be downloaded HERE
If you prefer paying by bank account contact Catherine at
Don't wait too long to reserve your space. Places are limited, as well as the configurations of the rooms!
If you want a specific room, or share with a specific person, please let us know at the quickest.
first in first served ;-)
For more info:
Catherine Dompas
Gwenn Cassanet
Léna Rodriguez
Paul-Marie Plaideau

Choose your room ...