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24-25-26 May 2019, Residential workshop
Vesseau, Ardèche  (South of France)

If you are interested in the energetic arts as a therapist or student, or simply want to explore further your personal development and meet your true Nature and spontaneous internal movement, this is the course for you.


The Japanese master, Kyoko Kishi will come to Paris to animate this Seiki workshop from Friday, May 24 till Sunday 26, 2019.


Kyoko Kishi was for more than 20 years the wife and the faithful partner in Seiki of Master Akinobu Kishi. 
Akinobu Kishi was a pupil of Master Namikoshi, then close assistant of Master Masunaga for 10 years. Kishi practiced and teached Shiatsu for a long time in Paris, before developing Seiki in the early 80'ies.


Kishi and Kyoko have traveled and shared this energy art across Europe. After her husband's passing, Kyoko continues the work of sharing and teaching Seiki throughout Europe.


In this Paris workshop, Kyoko will work the basics of Seiki with exercises of Gyoki ("breathing" with the hands), Katsugen (spontaneous body movements), Kototama (use of sounds - Japanese ancestral study) and of course exchanges with a partner on futon.


Seiki opens the space to your deep nature, invites to let go and the expression of spontaneous movement emerging from Ki.

Seiki is particularly appreciated by Shiatsu therapists, manual therapists (osteo, cranios, masseurs, ..) and other practitioners (kinesiologists, psychotherapists, sophrologists, reiki, ...) who have found in this art a touch and feeling of KI rarely experienced before.


This workshop is open to everyone. No prior knowledge is required.

More information about Seiki  (in french) >>






































Location Domaine du Taillé
We've chosen for a residential formula in a
beautifull location in nature this year.
The place invites for rest and full ressourcement, in the middle of nature, with an 

eco-friendly approach and delicious home made bio-food.
And this ... In the spirit of Seiki, we will go back to Nature, to our own Nature.





Time schedule

Friday        May 24, 2019:  2.00 pm - 5 pm and 8 pm - 10 pm

Saturday   May 25, 2019:  09.30 am- 5.30 pm  - lunch & pauses included 

Sunday      May 26, 2019:  09.30 am - 3 pm  -  lunch & pauses included


Domaine du Taillé
1150 Chemin du Taillé

Direct TGV Paris / Valence, then bus direct to Domaine du Taillé (1h drive from Gare TGV).

Access & route description see


Participation fee (excl. lodging & meals)

260 euro (before 15/04)

230 euro (unemployed and students)


Lodging & meals

Book your room directly at
Different possibilities: 1pp/room, 2 pp/room, multiple persons/room, with or without private bathroom, all meals included (except friday noon). All meals and drinks included (except friday at noon).

Prices / night varying between 62,5 & 135 euro/pp according to your choice of type of room.



Send the filled in registration form.

Registration only valid after payment of preregistration fee of 130 euro before 15/02/2019.

Download registration form in English >>   


Payment by bank transfer

FR76 3000 3014 3000 0526 4145 413 

Société Générale Montpellier

Catherine Dompas

10 Rue du Prado

34170 Castelnau-le-Lez - France  


Contact  & info
+33 6 71 10 38 10

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